Staff Profiles

Karatina University

Dr. Mungai Margaret Wanjiru


School of Business

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management


Email Address


Area/ Field of specialization: Tourism Management

Research interests: Tourism Education, Tourism Marketing, Destination management

Research Links:


Dr. M. Mungai is doctor of philosophy holder in Tourism Management with research, working and teaching experiences in tourism marketing, tourism education, destination management, tourism policy and planning. Fields of interest include marketing tourist destinations, e-tourism, tourism sustainability, ecotourism and community-based tourism.  

My focus is to foster quality tourism education, training and research that will prepare tourism students for the job market and promote creativity that will increase entrepreneurial skills among the students.


M.Mungai, Kieti D & Mapelu C, 2021. The Tourism Education and Tourism Industry Imbalances. European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Vol 9(3), pp, 14-26

Mungai, Kieti D & Mapelu C, 2021. Tourism Education Enrolment among Public Universities in Kenya: Socioeconomic aspects. Internal Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 10(6) 340-348