Staff Profiles

Karatina University

Prof. Kenneth Lawrence Wanjau Njogu

Associate Professor

School: School of Business 

Department: Department of Business and Economics

Email Address: &

Area/ Field of specialization:  Entrepreneurship

Research interests: Green Entrepreneurship, Techno entrepreneurship, strategic entrepreneurship & corporate entrepreneurship.


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Prof. Kenneth Lawrence Wanjau is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Business Development at Karatina University, Kenya and also a small and medium enterprise facilitator with experience in small business consultancy and development. Currently he is the Director in charge of Career Placement and University-Industry Linkages at Karatina University. As a scholar in entrepreneurship, he is actively involved in research and has specialized in strategic entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship and techno entrepreneurship. He has published in peer reviewed journals and supervised numerous post graduate students and has been teaching in the University for the last 16 years. He has a Ph.D and MSc in Entrepreneurship and BSc in Industrial Chemistry from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.


Kanyi, J.M, Wanjau, K.L. & Kyalo, T.N. “Relationship between Process Innovation, Entrepreneurial Passion and Performance of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Firms in Kenya”.International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, Vol. 12, (6), 11-22. ISSN: 2147-4478. DOI: 10.20525/ijrbs.v12i6.2862  Published in August 2023.

Kanyi, J.M, Wanjau, K.L. & Kyalo, T.N.  The Role of Product Innovation and Entrepreneurial Passion on Performance of Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Companies in Kenya”.International Journal of Arts and Social Science, Vol.6, (8), 282-289.ISSN: 2581-7922. Published in August 2023.

Kiura, H.M., Wanjau, K.L. & Kiai, R. “Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership on the Relationship Between Senior Team Attributes and Organizational Ambidexterity of Coffee Marketing Co-operative Societies in Kenya”. International Journal of Arts & Social Science, Vol 6 (8). 300-314. ISSN: 2581-7922.  Found at  Published in August 2023.

Kiura, H.M., Wanjau, K.L., & Kiai, R. (2023). “The Influence of Shared Vision on Organizational Ambidexterity in Coffee Marketing Co-operative Societies in Kenya”. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science12(6), 23-31. ISSN: 2147-4478. DOI: 10.20525/ijrbs.v12i6.2689 Published in August 2023. 

Mkala,M.D, Wanjau, K.L. & Macharia, J.M.  “Effect of Technology Endowment on Open Innovation Success in Medium-Sized Enterprises in Kenya”. International Journal of Applied Research in Business & Management, Vol.3 (3), pp.34-55. ISSN: 2700-8983. Found at Published in December 2022.

Wanjau Kenneth. “People’s Responses to Covid-19 Containment Measures in Selected Areas in Nairobi County, Kenya: Dynamism of Nairobians in Response to Covid-19” in Amal Adel Abdrabo & Aly Abdel Razek Galaby (2022) Societal Resilience and Response to Contagious Diseases and Pandemics, IGI Publisher, Chapter 14, pages 274-305. Found at Published in March, 2022.

Miriti, J.K., Wanjau,K.L. & Nyagweth, E.O. “The Role of Incubator Classification on Performance of Incubators in Kenya. International Journal of Business & Social Science,(2147-4478), 10 (6), 256-267. Found at Published in September, 2021

Musonga,B, Ngugi, L & Wanjau, K.L. “Moderating Role of Service Innovation on the Relationship Between Corporate Reputation and Performance of Hotels in Kenya”. International Journal of Business & Social Science,(2147-4478), 10 (1), 47-59.Found at Published in January 2021.

Otii,L.O, Wanjau,K.L. & Omondi,H. “Process Innovation Promoters, Firm Performance and Moderating Role of Service Quality Practices in SACCOs in Kenya”. International Journal of Business & Social Science, Vol.11, (8), 47-61. Found at Published in August 2020.

Otii,L.O, Wanjau,K.L. & Omondi,H.  Technological Innovation Promoters, Service Quality Practices and Performances of SACCOs in Kenya: An Integrative Model”. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science,9 (4), 392-403. ISSN: 2147- 4478. Found at Published in July 2020.

Ndeveni, O.K.,Wanjau, K.L.,Kariuki, G.M. & Muchiri. Moderating Role of Environmental Dynamism on the Relationship between Opportunity Evaluation and Growth of NGOs in Kenya”.Expert Journal of Business and Management (EJBM), Vol.8, (1), 98-109. ISSN 2344-6781. Found at Published in June 2020.

Chege, C.N, Wanjau,K.L. & Nkirina, S. “Relationship between Service Blue Print Dimension and Customer Satisfaction in the Insurance Industry in Kenya”. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience (BRAIN), Vol.10,(4), 158-179. ISSN: 2068-0473/ e-ISSN: 2067-3957. Found at Published in December, 2019.

Chege, C.N, Wanjau,K.L. & Nkirina, S. “Empathy Dimension and Customer Satisfaction in the Insurance Industry in Kenya”. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science,8, (6), 357- 366. ISSN: 2147-4478. Found at Published in November, 2019.

Ndeveni, O.K.,Wanjau, K.L.,Kariuki, G.M. & Muchiri. “Entrepreneurial Opportunity Discovery Dimensions and Growth of Non- Governmental Organizations in Kenya”. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 8, (5),18-26. ISSN: 2147-4478. Found at Publish in August 2019.

Mwangi,A., Kabare,N., & Wanjau, K.  “Influence of Perceived Product Quality on Customer Satisfaction amongst Dairy Milk Processors in Kenya”. Journal of Marketing Management Behaviour, Vol 2, (4), 17-31. Found at Published in May 2019.

Kabare,N.,Mwangi,A.W. & Wanjau,K..Influence of Consumer Complaints Handling on Consumer Satisfaction in Dairy Milk Processors in Kenya”. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science,8, (1), 36-49. ISSN: 2147-4478.Found at  Published in February 2019.

Maina, L.K., Olweny,T. & Wanjau,K.L. “Observed Leverage and Financial Performance of Listed Firms in Kenya”. Journal of Finance and Banking Studies, 7 (2), 19-39. ISSN: 2147-4486. Found at Published in November 2018.

Mwangi,E.N., Wanjau,K.L. & Omondi,H.R. “Evaluation of Factors Affecting Implementation of Green Public Procurement in Laikipia County Government, Kenya”. Journal of Arts and Humanities, Vol.7, (10), 65-71. ISSN: 2167-9045 (print), 2167-9053 (Online). Published in November 2018.

Mwangi,A., Kabare,N., & Wanjau, K. “Influence of Perceived Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction amongst Dairy Milk Processors in Kenya”. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 7, (4), 44-57. Found at Published in October 2018.

Miriti, J., Wanjau K.L. & Omondi, H.“Performance of Incubator Centers in Kenya: The Pivotal Role of Entrepreneurial Management”. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, Vol 7 (1), 2018: 49-60., ISSN: 2147- 4478. Found at : Published in August 2018.

Miriti, J., Wanjau K.L. & Omondi, H. Client Selection Criteria and Performance of Incubator Centres in Kenya: A Resource Based”. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, Vol 7 (1), 2018: 25-34., ISSN: 2147- 4478. Found at Published in June 2018.