Staff Profiles

Karatina University

Dr. Sheila Kilonzi


School: Agriculture and Biotechnology

Department: Food Science and Nutrition


Email Address:

Area/ Field of specialization: Food Science and Nutrition

Research interestsSustainable food systems and climate change; Millets and Legumes in food and nutrition security; Nutrigenetics, non-communicable diseases, Gut microbiota and disease management

 Research Links:

  • orcid number: 0000-0001-7764-0004


Dr Sheila a lecturer school of agriculture and biotechnology at Karatina University where she has been a faculty member since 2012. Dr Sheila Kilonzi holds a PhD degree in Food Science and Nutrition, Masters degree in Food Security and Rural Development, BSc degree in Food Science and Nutrition, and a diploma in Food Technology. These qualifications and training have exposed her to comprehensive knowledge of food science and nutrition. Sheila has spearheaded the development and implementation of curricula programmes in food science and nutrition that integrates student learning experiences with the industry needs. She has been a mentor and advisor to undergraduate and graduate students, guiding them in research projects, internships, and career development opportunities. Sheila has contributed to the advancement of knowledge in the field food science and nutrition through publication of research reviewed articles in reputable peer-reviewed journals. She has also presented findings in conferences fostering professional networks for research and collaboration initiatives. Her research interests lie in the area of sustainable food systems, non-communicable diseases and gut microbiota. programming languages, ranging from theory to design to implementation. She has collaborated actively with researchers and recently won a research grant for banana-based foods and feeds In Kenya.

Dr Sheila has served on various capacities as the head of department of food science and nutrition- Karatina University, Treasurer and Secretary to the Kenya Institute of Food and Technology (KIFST)and also sits in the National Codex committee that develops food standard positions for Kenya. She also serves in the executive committee of Association of professional societies of East Africa (APSEA). Sheila is also involved in the development of a high school curricula on food safety under the global harmonization initiative (GHI). Sheila is a professional member of: American Society of Nutrition, Global harmonization initiative (GHI) Kenya Institute of Food Science and Technology Kenya Nutrition and Dietetics Institute The Nutrition Society- UK and an Alumni of African nutrition leadership programme (ANLP) of 2020.


Simon Okomo Aloo., Fred Kwame Ofosu., Nam-Hyeon Kim, Sheila M. Kilonzi (2023). Insights on dietary Polyphenols as Agents against Metabolic Disorders: Obesity as a Target Disease. Antioxidants 12(2).

Simon Okomo Aloo., Fred Kwame Ofosu.,Sheila M. Kilonzi., Umair Shabbir and Deog Hwan Oh(2021). Edible Plant Sprouts: Health Benefits, Trends, and Opportunities for Novel Exploration. Nutrients 2021, 13(8), 2882

Kilonzi Sheila M., Makokha Anselimo O., and Kenji Glaston Physical characteristics, proximate composition and anti-nutritional factors in grains of lablab bean (Lablab purpureus) genotypes from Kenya

Kilonzi Sheila M., Makokha Anselimo O., and Kenji Glaston M. (2019). Effect of Some Processing Methods on Nutrient Content and Anti-Nutritional Factors of a Variety of Dolichos Lablab (Lablab Purpureus L.) Beans Grown in Kenya. Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Research 1(1), 12-17.

Musotsi, Anne A., Makokha Anselmo O., Abukutsa-Onyango, Mary O., and Kilonzi Sheila M., (2019). Quantitative Changes of Ascorbic acid and Beta carotene in African nightshade (Solanum nigrum) and Spider plant (Cleome gynandra) due to traditional cooking methods used in western Kenya. Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Research 1(1), 51-63.