Staff Profiles

Karatina University

Dr. Peter Kung’u Ngigi


School: School of Pure and Applied Sciences

Department: Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science


Area/ Field of specialization: Biostatistics

Research interests: Optimal Designs for Mixture Experiments

Research Links:


Dr. Peter K. Ngigi is a lecturer in the School of Pure and Applied Sciences where he has been a faculty member from 2012. He is a Biostatistician who undertook his postgraduate studies at Moi University. His research interest is in Response Surface Methodology with key interest in Developing optimal empirical models and estimation procedures in order to obtain quantitative information from data, testing validity and efficiency of models for mixture experiments. He has experience in data analysis using Matlab, SAS and SPSS. He is well-endowed with skills of Designing and planning of experiments, Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Instruments, Data Analysis and Report writing. He is presently researching on Optimal Slope Baseline Restricted Mixture experiments and their use.


Ngigi Peter kung’u, J. K. Arap Koske and Josphat K. Kinyanjui. (2020). “D-Optimal Slope Design for Second Degree Kronecker Model Mixture Experiment with Three Ingredients”. International Journal of Statistics and Probability. 9, no.2.


Ngigi Peter kung’u, J. K. Arap Koske and Josphat K. Kinyanjui. (2021). “A– Optimal Slope Design for Second Degree Kronecker Model Mixture Experiment with Four Ingredients with Application in Selected Fruits Blending”. International Journal of Statistics and Probability. 10. no. 2.