Staff Profiles

Karatina University

Dr. Emily Kilel


School: School of Agriculture Biotechnology

Department: Food Science and Nutrition


Email Address


Area/ Field of specialization: Food Sciences

Research interests: Tea Science, nutrigenomics and Food Toxicology


Research Links:



Dr. Emily Kilel is a lecturer in the School of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Department of Food Science and Nutrition at Karatina University where she has served since 2013. She is a tea master and a member of Karatina University Tea Institute. Emily completed her Ph.D.  and both Masters and Undergraduate degrees at Egerton University. She has a diploma in Food Technology from Jomokenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Her research interest is on novel and specialized in Tea Processing.

Dr. Kilel has worked in various Tea Companies and has also served in the ministry of Livestock and Development as a Production Officer. She has also served in the Tea Technical Committee where she participated in drafting of Purple Tea Standard. She is currently serving Kenya Institute of Food Scientists (KIFST) as the Honorary Treasurer.


Kilel, E.C., Wanyoko, J.K., Faraj, A.K. and Ngoda, P. (2019). Effect of Citric Acid on the Total Monomeric Anthocyanins and Antioxidant Activity of Liquor Made from Unprocessed Purple Leafed TRFK 306 Kenyan Tea Clone. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 10, 1191-1201.

Kilel E.C., Wanyoko, J.K., Faraj, A.K. and Ngoda, P. (2018) “Optimization of manufacturing conditions of the new purple leafed Kenyan teas (TRFK 306) – maceration style and withering duration” International Food Research Journal 25(2): 730-736.