Staff Profiles

Karatina University

Dr. Beatrice Gichuru


School: School of Nursing

Department: Nursing


Email Address:


Area/ Field of specialization: Public Health

Research interests: Public Health

 Research Links:



From 9th March, 2024 appointed as the Dean, School of Nursing for a period of Three (3) years.

I was head of Department of Nursing Sciences Karatina University from 2015 for 4 years.

Dr. Beatrice Gichuru has sixteen years of full-time University teaching as a lecturer: Kenya Methodist University 2008 to 2013; Regina Pacis University College 2014 to June 2015; Karatina University July 2015 to date.

To develop curriculum in short courses in Community Midwifery (county hospitals experiencing acute shortage of midwives). Karatina Town venue will be ideal;

Post Graduate Diploma in Health Systems Management (for in-service healthcare workers). Karatina Town venue will be ideal;

 Upgrading Diploma nurses to BSc Nursing (Open & Distance mode of Learning (ODeL) curricula written five years ago) but they have not been implemented. Karatina Town venue will be ideal;

MSc Nursing (part-time mode is very popular. Many Universities are graduating BSc nurses in large numbers). Karatina Town venue will be ideal;

PhD in various nursing specializations (part time mode very popular. Karatina Town venue will be ideal)


  1. Mwitha B. G.1, Wanzala P.2, Makokha A.1 Baseline Psycho-Social Health Needs among Rape Survivors: A Community–based Interventional Study in Kenya. Afr J Health Sci. 2013; 26:242-247
  2. Mwitha BG1, &, Makokha A 1, Wanzala P 2 Baseline Mental Health Outcomes among Parents/guardians of Child Rape Victims: A Community Based Interventional Study in Kenya. African Journal of Health Sciences, Volume 25, Number 2, July-September 2013
  3. Mwitha B. G.1, Wanzala P.2, Makokha A.3 Baseline Mental Health Outcomes among Rape Survivors: A Community–Based Interventional Study in Kenya. African Journal of Health Sciences, Vol.27, Number 2, April-June 2014