Staff Profiles

Karatina University

CPA Prof Richard M. Kiai , PhD


School: School of Business

Department: Business and Economics

Address 1957- 10101- Karatina





Area/ Field of specialization: Finance and Accounts

Research interests: Financial Inclusion, poverty alleviation, auditing and governance

Research Links:

Web of Science™:


CPA Prof. Richard M. Kiai, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Finance in the School of Business at Karatina University, specializing in finance and accounts. Prof. Kiai holds a Ph.D. in Finance from Karatina University. He also holds an MBA in finance from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. His undergraduate study was at Egerton University, where he pursued a Bachelor’s in Agri-Business Management. Prof. Kiai is also a Certified Public Accountant (K), Certified Investment and Financial Analyst, Certified Information Systems Auditor, and a member of ICPAK and ISACA. Prof. Kiai has a wide wealth of experience in financial management, accounting, organizational planning, and risk management from both private and public entities.

Prof. Kiai’s research interests are in areas of finance, poverty reduction, and corporate governance, which he has extensively researched and published in 24 peer-reviewed journal articles. Prof. Kiai has also published one (1) university-level book on auditing. He is a reviewer of the Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, an external examiner for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, and has been an examiner at the Accounts Examination Body in the area of finance. Prof. Kiai has had collaborations internationally and nationally that have resulted in resource mobilization, research, and consulting. Prof. Kiai is also a consultant in finance and a business development coach. Prof. Kiai has also been instrumental in corporate governance and quality management systems. He is a board member of different entities, including a board member of two (2) audit committees with the government, a trustee of a pension scheme, a Sacco board member, and a member of BOM in various schools.


Kiambati, K & Kiai, M.R. (2022). Human Resource Audit, Standards, Guidelines, Manual and Toolkit. Aura Publishers, Nairobi

Peer-reviewed Publications

Hesbon Mbuthia Kiura ,  Kenneth Wanjau & Richard Kiai (2023) Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership on the Relationship Between Senior Team Attributes and Organizational Ambidexterity of Coffee Marketing Cooperative Societies in Kenya. International Journal of Arts and Social Science (IJASS).

Hesbon Mbuthia Kiura ,  Kenneth Wanjau & Richard Kiai (2023). The Influence of Shared Vision On Organizational Ambidexterity In Coffee Marketing Co-Operative Societies In Kenya. Strategic Studies in Business and Finance, 12(6), 23–31. DOI:

Kinyua PK, Kiai R, & Macharia S. (2022). Moderating Effect Of Bank Size On Nexus Between External Equity Capital And Financial Performance Of Lower-Tier Commercial Banks In Kenya. Management and Economics Research Journal, 8(3): MAERJ12.

Michael Wachira, K. ., Mburu, D. K., & Kiai, R. . (2022). Total Quality Management Practices and Supply Chain Performance among Manufacturing and Allied Companies Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. European Journal of Business and Management Research7(1), 269–279.

Kinyua PK, Kiai R, & Macharia S. (2022). Moderating effect of bank size on nexus between internal equity capital and financial performance of lower tier commercial banks in Kenya. International Journal Of Research In Business And Social Science 11(6)(2022) 277-287.

Maina, J. N., Kiai, R.M., & Kyalo, T. N (2020). Financial Innovation Practice, Sacco Size and Financial Sustainability of Deposit Taking Saving and Credit Co-Operatives in Kenya.  Financial Studies Journal  3, 51-65

Maina, J. N., Kiai, R.M., & Kyalo, T. N (2020). Cash Management Practice, Sacco Size and Kenya Deposit Taking Saving and Credit Co-Operatives Financial Sustainability. Journal of Perspectives on Financing and Regional Development. 8 (4), 319-330 DOI: 10.22437/ppd.v8i4.10161

Maina, J. N., Kiai, R.M., & Kyalo, T. N (2020). Credit Management Practice, SACCO Size and Financial Sustainability of Deposit Taking Saving and Credit Co-Operatives in Kenya. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, 6(3), 175-192 DOI: 10.32602/jafas.2020.023

Mutegi, E. K.,Kiai, M.R., & Maina, E. W. (2020). Influence of Micro-economic Factors on Financial Sustainability of Informal Finance Groups in Kiharu Constituency- Kenya. Research in Business and Social Science Journal, 9(1), 88-93. DOI: 10.20525/ijrbs.v9i1

Kiai, M.R., & Kiambati, K. (2019). Examining the Contribution of Interest Rate Capping Conditions on Financial Performance of Women-Owned Agribusiness SMEs in Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya. Management and Economics Research Journal, 5, 1-7 DOI: 10.18639/MERJ.2019.953268

Oeta S. M, Kiai, M. R., & Muchiri, J. M (2019). Capital Intensity on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 10 (9), 18-31

Oeta S. M, Kiai, M. R., & Muchiri, J. M (2019). Influence of Tax Planning on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange. Research in Business and Social Science Journal, 3(1), 12-24. DOI: 10.20525/ijrbs.v8i6

Githinji, C. W., Kiragu, D. N., & Kiai, R. M. (2019). Effects of Collateral Requirement on Financial Performance of Agribusiness Small and Micro Enterprises in Nyeri Central Sub County Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research, 3(1), 28-40

Riri, J. M., Kiragu, D. N., & Kiai, R. M. (2018). Effect of Cashflow Management Practices   on Financial Performance of Hotels in Nyeri County, Kenya. International Journal of    Business Management and Economic Review, 1(6), 142-154.

Gitau, P. M, Kiarie, D., & Kiai, R. M. (2018). Integrated Financial Management Systems, Procurement Performance and Customer Satisfaction in the County Government of Nyeri. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 3(1), 27-45.