School of Pure and Applied Sciences
Department of Biological and Physical Sciences
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Area/ Field of specialization: Biochemistry, Molecular Biosciences and Bioinformatics
Research interests: Molecular mechanisms and surveillance of antimicrobial drug resistance, genetic regulation in plants, integration of bioinformatics tools in genomics, proteomics, and molecular biology.
Research Links:
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Dr. Shadrack Kimani is dedicated to training, research and community service, and currently serves as a Lecturer at Karatina University, in the School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Department of Biological and Physical Sciences. Dr. Kimani obtained his undergraduate and Master’s degrees from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) and doctoral degree from Northeast Normal University (NENU) under the Chinese Government Scholarship. His research interests focus on drug resistance, parasite genomes, molecular biosciences and bioinformatics. His collaborations with scientists across these fields have resulted in several co-authorship as well as participation in national and international conferences, training sessions, and workshops. Besides, Dr Kimani is dedicated in advancing scientific knowledge to foster community development and prosperity.